Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ura Hevn November 2007 Yuki Personal Interview - Mix Speaker's,Inc.

Yuki Personal Interview - Ura Hevn ban November 2007

--When you were little, what prompted you toward music?

There was no one in my family who liked music, and, quite opposite, when I was little I didn’t really like music.

--Did you hate music class?

I really hated it (laugh).

--So then you really never thought that you would be singing…

But if I ask my parents about my childhood, they say that I’ve been singing since way back when. They recorded my voice singing on tape, and it seems there isn’t a time they can remember me, not humming, but arbitrarily making up my own lyrics, adding lyrics I didn’t know well (laugh). My parents recorded numerous tapes of that. “What is this song?” “You were singing.” Like that (laugh). They had me listen to the tapes when I was in high school. I didn’t remember any of it, rather, I hated singing in elementary school. But maybe, rather than hating it, a big part was probably that I was embarrassed. I started listening to music on my own around middle school, and the first time I bought a CD was in high school. That’s really late, huh.

--What prompted you to do that?

From middle school, second or third grade, I was recommended a variety of music by my friends. From around then I started listening to the radio a lot. The songs my friends recommended would play, not visual kei, but from J-POPS and utamono pops, I started gaining interest in music. And later, I really remember this, but when I went to the bowling alley to hang out, they were running a promo that I saw, it was playing kuroyume and THE YELLOW MONKEY, and I thought “I don’t really know why, but this is really good,” and I definitely planned to buy that CD. But I didn’t know the name, so I listened to the radio earnestly and waited until that song played, and when I heard the song introduction I first thought “Ah, so that’s the name,” and, well, anyway I was listening to the radio (laugh).

--So what prompted you to try doing music yourself?

It was about my first year in high school, but before I entered high school, I figured I’d get a normal job. I have an older brother who worked like normal, sort of like a salary-man, so I thought that was okay for me too. I like games, and I thought that it’d be cool to go to work, come home, and play games, but in my first year of high school I was already not in the advancing class, but I had entered the class to get employed. Despite that, when I saw a feature on TV about the recently revived L’Arc~en~Ciel, and I learned that their revival live had sold out in 5 minutes, I thought, “So they have that much of an audience attracted to them.” At that time, I didn’t think that I wanted to become a vocalist or anything, but I just thought that I just want to be a part of that world. Not that I wanted to have a band or go on TV or anything. I just thought I want to become a person who has people attracted to something I make. From there I quickly looked for a music school. Studying on my own, I read vocal and guitar books. I even bought a guitar, but it was quite hard and I thought it took so much time. I did actually like singing, and I first went to karaoke my third year of high school, but you don’t really know your own voice, right? Even when you’re really trying (laugh). Even still, I decided on my own that it was fine (laugh). My house is really rural, so I would sing whatever songs I liked in a big voice. From that time I always thought I wanted a band. I went to a music school and really learned music, and around then I joined a band.

--What prompted you to join a band?

It wasn’t that I really really wanted it. Instead it was just that I was simply invited. What’s more, it was people from the same music school, and at that time I liked a different genre, so I was doing something completely different, but my school friends said, “We have a band, so would you be our vocalist? It’s a copy band, but.” They said they were doing LUNA SEA, and I also liked Visual Kei, so I answered “Sure.” That was what started it, and eventually we came out with originals, and that was how I started in a band.

--Did you go on stage first with that band? What was it like singing in front of people?

The first time I stood on stage was with that band. Uh, I was really incredibly nervous. Honestly, I don’t remember it. I remember the audience’s faces, but I don’t remember the atmosphere of the stage at all (laugh).

--What is the appeal of being a vocalist?

When I first thought I wanted to do guitar in the beginning, it was because I thought it looked cool. It has more glamour than singing. But in singing, isn’t every individual different? No matter how hard you try, even if you can imitate, there is a voice that only that person can use. If you can gain that, isn’t that amazing? I thought. And there are lyrics, and melody, and the only instrument to convey the words is the vocalist, so that is the biggest appeal. Also, that it doesn’t matter which genre different people like, if you show something good, I thought that it’s the vocalist only that people see. Since I started it’s been 3 or 4 years, but I thought there were hard parts, but doing the vocals is the most fun. So that’s a part as well.

--So, for you, what kind of existence does Mix Speaker’s,Inc. have?

They’re a special band, and with each set of lyrics we’re making a world view, and there if it crumbles… When we try to convey that world through song, MIKI thinks the same, but I think that there are only MIKI and me. As the ones who say the words, we want the story’s deeper and thicker places to be seen, and I think isn’t that the only place we can convey?

--Are twin vocals uncommon?

They were very hard. Before I did Visual Kei, I was in a mixture style band, and even in my previous band the guitarist did vocals and wrote songs for two people to sing. So there wasn’t much of a struggle. It’s just that we sing every song with two people (laugh).

--So, from now, what do you want to convey through music?

Of course, how interesting this band is is the first thing I want to convey, but more so than wanting to convey, I want people who listen to accept our story. If they interpret it however they like and it grows, I think it’ll become even more interesting. There are people who think to imagine the story in their own way, and if, for example, we wrote a love song, someone out there might think it’s a breakup song, and some kids might think it’s a good story.

--How you capture varies by individual. The people listening all have different circumstances.

Not just lyrics, instruments sound by sound also, why do they make this sound? I think it would be good if people really have fun as they like. I have a ton that I want to convey, but before that I want them to purely enjoy our world and songs, and think to themselves, Mix Speaker’s,Inc. makes songs through this kind of world, and if they do that I think won’t it grow? Even if everyone doesn’t think “It’s this kind of story,” I think that’s okay.

--So, now that you’re doing music, are there any ways which music has changed you as a person?

I’ve purely gained self confidence. I was incredibly withdrawn. When I stood on the first stage I thought this, but I used to think I’m not meant to be a vocalist. It isn’t that I’m good or bad at singing – I was embarrassed to appear in front of people. People’s eyes were scary.

--But when I saw you at your first one-man at Shibuya BOXX, you looked cute.

Well, that was then…(laugh). When I joined this band, it was the first time I was able to perform in front of hundreds to over a thousand people. Isn’t starting the music and singing the same as talking in front of a crowd? Through that, the shyness of going up in front of people has gone away. It was very difficult for me to get out in front of people. I’m not good with people, and in the past I thought I didn’t want to deal with them, but even though I thought that I was planning on doing music (laugh). When I went to do music, I wasn’t thinking of lives. I thought if I could just release songs that would be good. But I’ve slowly gotten used to it, and even though I only had 10 fans, when I got my first fan letter I was so happy.

--It’s like you were finally acknowledged yourself, right?

That’s right. I thought I had changed as a person. Even now, when I see my old friends, I’m told “You’ve changed.” I wasn’t the type to talk, much less the type of person to be in a band. I’m told like “Weren’t you the type to sit at your desk absorbed in reading manga?” (laugh). When I went to my class reunion, my hair was like this, and I had had piercings done, so “What are you doing?” and when I said “I’m in a band now,” they would be surprised. “Really!?” Music has changed me. I think it’s even changed my personality.

--And haven’t you changed since meeting your current band mates?

Really, meeting these band members was also coincidence. When I think that I have become a member, I understand how important it is. It’s influence enough to change my world. Everything I see is different now, and that I’m here, isn’t it that all of the fans who come receive me? So there is no debt there, and I’ve become so that I think I have to go on and have more confidence. And being embarrassed to go on stage has gone away.

--After this, what is your personal aim?

Certainly I don’t want it to be thought that I am all about appearances, and if I say what I can do, it’s to sing, and there I want fans and people who do music to confirm that “That band, their performance and singning is really great.” I want to become the person who can convey songs with conviction.

--Now then, please give a final message to the fans.

We’re waiting for our Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka one-man tour soon, so I think it would be great if you listen to our music. These are our first one-man shows in Nagoya and Osaka, but we think that at a one man show it’s the easiest to deliver our music. We’ll work hard and do our best to not betray your expectations, so please come.

[Special Addition] Please tell us about your recent obsession.

Recently it’s cooking! The first thing I made was Medamayaki! (laugh) When I went to make it, I messed up when I broke the eggs. Firstly, I put too much strength into it and the shell shattered, and I thought I’ve gotta get this in, but if I drop it, if I drop it I’m too high up and the yolk will split and it won’t be Medamayaki anymore (laugh). I’m glad I made it into scrambled eggs, but I hadn’t planned on that. Halfway through it became a weird Medamayaki, Tamagoyaki, and something I really don’t know. Recently I’ve made Omuraisu. I thought that it’s an egg dish, so I’ll attack (laugh).

Junk Story - Mix Speaker's,Inc. [Night Three]

Welcome to the world of Mix Speaker's,Inc.
Character Introduction and Night One
Night Two

Night Three “Team ‘13’”

Clouds like soap drifted along in the sky as they formed soft lines. Floating a number of centimeters from the ground, Little Angel and Little Devil were basking in the sunlight.

“Ah, there’s nothing to do. Ever since we entered Mix Speaker’s,Inc. the days have been like a storm of packing and shipping.”

“Those bastards have a harsh way of training us. Let’s smash ‘em dead! What idiot is going to buy a BOX filled with that kind of trash?”

“They seem to be selling really well. At least, that’s how it seems from Big Franken’s rush of complaints.”

“Seriously, there’s not much further for a company to go that just makes fools of kids. That vampire fuck, I can’t tell if he’s sleeping or awake. And that wolf that looks like a pig, he’s usually in the freaking moon. Of all the things that make absolutely no sense. Really, how tall is he? And that old witch, she’s always got sauce on the side over her mouth, seriously simple. And from the beginning, where the hell are the monsters going crazy at?”

“Come on now, isn’t peace good? Ah – it’s so quiet.”

Bang. Baki baki baki. Doshin doshin doshin. “Bunga-!!!”

“You fuck! You broke the door again. How many bolts do I have to shoot into your head for you to get it?!"

"What's going on, Big Franken? Have complaints come that we've run out of the BOX again?"


"You say DoDo&PaPa brought orders!? Little Devil, we have work!!!"

"Pain in the ass."

"Everyone, please listen carefully! This is our company's first assignment. Ahhh... I'm so nervous. Agh, my hands are shaking!"

-To the ladies and gentlemen of Mix Speaker's,Inc. It seems the BOX is selling very well. Thank you for your efforts. At any rate, changing the subject, it seems that monsters are running wild. A group of two known as Team "13" are doing as they please, but one swings around an electric saw, and the other appears in dreams with steel claws and tears people to shreads. Horrifying, isn't it? According to the stories I've heard, they're insanely strong.

I don't really know a way to capture them, but, well, go get 'em. - From old man Mr. X

"So that Mr. X is this kind of character?"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

So-net Music Visual Interview 10/31 - Mix Speaker's,Inc.

Interview, Mix Speaker's,Inc.

Mix Speaker’s,Inc. in 5 minutes by Mr. X

At the present time, the world in which angels and demons, monsters, fairies, humans coexist is starting to crumble. Again, night after night humans are being attacked by a group of monsters. It seems that such regrettable incidents are frequent…… Under the gravity of this situation, I gathered Little Angel, Little Devil, Skeleton Witch, Digi Vampire, Big Franken and Moon Wolf, and for the sake of world peace begged the six of them to combine and lend me their strength
It’s pulling on fate’s thread, the six members who had gathered by mistake, and the people appearing surrounded by that --.
Everyone, as witnesses of the era、with those eyes, I want you to soundly record their activities from here on after.

From there, information about Mix Speaker's,Inc.’s activities is here.
poketto no naka ni wa JUNK STORY

■It has a feeling like Gekidan Shiki. (Gekidan Shiki is a theatre company)
This is something incredibly important.

So-net Music(from not on So-net):What were the circumstances under which you 6 gathered?

AYA(G/picture: second from the right):Before this band, all of us, except for YUKI, played in a short-term session band. Through that we thought, let’s make a band we can really put it all into. The beginning was moving with MIKI. Then it was decided that we would play together with S and keiji. We found YUKI living in Kyoto and drug him in (laugh). Lastly we seek stayed.

So-net:You’re known as Creation・Creator Group.

seek(B/picture: far left):Regarding the theme we chose, we thought about what kind of things could we do using more than just music, we came up with a lot of different ideas and ingredients. Without being trapped in the frame of “band,” we thought it would be good if we went and did various possibilities.

So-net: So you’re saying from there the concept of the company form and monsters was decided.

seek:We wanted to incorporate construction and assembly into the band name, so we added Inc. The Monster thing had already come out.

AYA:It has the feeling of Gekidan Shiki. (Theatre Company in Japan)

So-net:Gekidan Shiki?


seek:This is really complicated, but it’s really important. Apart from this logo (the logo of the current band’s name) there is one more, something called a company logo. For Gekidan Shiki, the logo is “CATS.”

So-net:Are you talking about your repertoire?

seek:Yeah, repertoire. If the band name itself changes it’ll be a problem, and whenever the repertoire changes we’ll change the logo.

So-net:So why did you take up monsters as your first repertoire/gimik?

AYA:I wanted to use special effects makeup. I thought that the way we could work that a lot was with monsters.

So-net:Normally, doesn’t having a band means having a lot of different faces?

keiji(G/picture: second from the left):In the beginning it’s feeling it out. If there are members with that kind of experience, or are they complete strangers. Then it’s like, has everyone finally meshed?

S(Dr/picture: far left): At first playing monsters was hard work, but lately I’ve come to understand that that it’s this sort of thing.

So-net:At your second one-man, 6 new monsters appeared.

seek: This is again important! You’re likely to think it was just a mere costume change, but right now we’re each playing two parts. Depending on the story, it’s possible that the cast will increase. There’s a story, and we go with that, we’re thinking and going with live and musical development.

So-net: In what ways is the story reflected in the songs?

keiji:From having a story, we pick songs that match that scene.

AYA: Most of the songs have a theme. Characters and such.

So-net:Not just world view, you use a lot of harmony, and there are places where you make us listen to the song.

AYA:Their voice quality is similar, so when they harmonize it’s very beautiful.

YUKI(Vo/picture: third from left): When we tried to join, the truth is it was incredibly similar. But the characters are completely different, so depending on the song MIKI does the main, or I do the main and such. We’re having you listen in that sort of way.

So-net:Besides that, at lives you use the change of the beat of the music.

seek:At the one man show two months after we began formal activities, it was good if people know the beat. In that extreme, the song “Friday Night Busters” is a means of fliping the beat like this.

AYA:I don’t think there are many songs where, though it’s the same song the beat changes. Normally, if you do it people don’t really like it. I think one twist suits us.

■”MONSTART” Family” will become the first chapter in a new story

So-net:As the story progresses, next there should be a new basis for the songs, right?

seek: That I think “MONSTART” Family is becoming a song that hints as to what will develop from here.

keiji: From the songs we made before we decided on the theme of Monstart Family, we picked those that we thought “wouldn’t this match?” but.

So-net:Pop and catchy and easy to listen to.

keiji: Speaking from the original piece of music, with just the bridge left, the rest was a different thing. More manic and a piece that’s not at all coming out like the song before.

AYA: The third song is like that, but that’s talking of the past. In an old-fashioned sound there’s a pipe organ and such, and we used that sort of sound.

So-net:It’s an old story that traces back time.

seek: Mr.X wanted us to come out with Pandora’s Box at the end of the second one-man. In this song, we thought to explain Mr. X “Really my family, but”… or so returning to Mr. X’s stories of childhood.

MIKI(Vo/picture: third from right): About 1000 years ago.

seek:There are a lot of key words.。

So-net: Key words like red and blue?

seek: Father is the red one, Mother is the blue one, and the two children are effected differently. That’s the theme song for that family.

(*note* seek and S say two different things, but my guess is seek messed up here and the red one is the mom, the blue is the dad – unless Adam Dragon is supposed to be the female…)

MIKI: You get that feel from the title.

seek: It’s a story about the beginning period, when there weren’t monsters in the world. The third cast will appear!

S: It’s Mr.X’s family.

seek: When Mr.X was a little kid.

So-net: Before that, Mr.X is telling the story in the third song “Episode of Pandora.”

seek: We want to give an end that says “this continues” in the third song so that people will understand this story. Aya made a sort of rearranged form of the song we use as an opening for lives “Monster Start Instrumental” as a motif. It’s expressing a scene that shows Mr. X’s part of the fable.

So-net:That six heroes come out has a deep meaning too.

seek:Right now, actually, with Mr. X included wasn’t it seven? (wry smile) But that puts the story together.

■Continuing with the sold out one man tour in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, coming releases, and next year's one man.

So-net:You also recorded the group of three songs in which you split into units of two.

seek: I think this feels like it expresses the pattern of it’s Friday night and there’s a monster party at the company. But if there’s suddenly a dark song the party feel becomes zero.

So-net:That’s Miki and keiji’s lonely 3/4 beat song “Digital Romance.”

keiji: Actually, it’s a song that didn’t mesh but seems like it does. In me Miki was the theme.

MIKI: I don’t know that, the theme was at that time keiji’s Digi Vampire, sort of dark, Dracula image.

keiji: The results were okay, like we did good. It went well for a whole different reason.

MIKI: We brought it to a dark place together.

So-net: Continuing with songs that have flavor and atmosphere, if you notice, lets go onto the next, seek and S’s “dekoboko chidouchuu” (“in an uneven strange road”).

seek: I wanted to do something that sounded like one song and looked like Aya had remixed it. The limit of what two people can do looks like it’s about here, I thought. Neither of us ever sing.

S: But we got together and talked a lot!

seek: Ah, can I speak truthfully? We didn’t really talk much.

S: Why would you say such a thing?


seek:S doesn’t do anything. Even after the song is made he only says “Ah that’s good,” or “That sucks.” So around there is the feeling of together “in an uneven strange road.”

So-net:The medly ends with Yuki and Aya’s “MASK DE NIGHT.”

AYA: I wanted to do a masked ball theme, but mixed with Juliana and a modern masked ball. The two of us practiced dancing and stuff.

YUKI: Initially there was harder furi, but we went with the more simple furi.

AYA: We went with it so that, the instant it was seen, you could do it.

So-net:After the three song CD is released, you have a tour through Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka.

seek: Thankfully the three places are sold out, and we’ve decided to do a live January 4th at Shibua O-East. Also a single comes out on December 19th. This is a Christmas song, and it has the feel of something planned. Also, the live DVD from Kinema Club comes out on December 7th. If people who haven’t seen us yet watch this DVD, I think the development can be more fun.

●Text/村山 幸

Junk Story - Mix Speaker's,Inc. [Night Two]

Welcome to the world of Mix Speaker's,Inc.
[Character Introduction and Night One]

Night Two “DoDo&PaPa”

“What do you mean by “complete?”

Little Angle asked, not understanding the meaning of the female dweller’s sudden words.

“Well, let’s talk more deeply at leisure after. I am Skeleton Witch, a pleasure to meet you. Oi, Moon Wolf!! Food ready?”

“My most humble apologies, Mistress. I shall bring it presently. Rurururururururururururururururururururururururu”

When they had filled their stomachs on lizard salad, spider soup, and snake barbeque, Skeleton witch opened her mouth.。

“Now then, shall we come to the point? This company was set with a specific purpose. Details are here, written in the boss’s notebook. Read there, okay?”

-Gentlemen. The world is now living in poverty. The balance of this world where angels, demons, monsters, evil spirits, fairies, humans have all come to live together is beginning to collapse. At the hands of a group of monsters, it appears that cases where, night after night, humans are attacked are increasing. Are such gentry in my company, not in my company, you ask or not ask, but this is an extremely grave matter, and for it to occur in the world of monsters is shameful.

The three wandering travelers, Little Angel, Little Devil, and Big Franken should soon arrive. I want you to join forces with them and guide the world toward peace. I will send orders from time to time through my pets DoDo&PaPa. Be sure not to forget to feed them. Well then, good luck to you!-

Mr. X

“DoDo&PaPa are in the boss’s room in the basement. I’ll show you the way.”

In the room down the dim stairs, books were pilled in disorder, and in side a crow and a dove were left loose.

“What the hell’s your problem. What the hell’s your problem.” Fluttering his wings, the crow, PaPa pecked at Little Devil’s head.

“What the hell do you mean ‘what the hell’s your problem’? I’ll kill you.” “Come on, calm down. These little guys are pretty cute.” In contrast to PaPa, the dove DoDo stopped on Little Angel’s shoulder and raised his eyes curiously at Big Franken.

“You’ll be working together for a long time, now. Let’s become good friends. Digi Vampire, how about waking up soon?”

“Mumble, mumble. You, bastard, some blood?”

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Space Hunter

Space Hunter

Shall I teach you something good?
Next one more will appear from outer space!!

It came down, black lead The alien from the far space
ShowTime Welcome to the Great Horror Face

If you raise your hand it’s over. That’s it.

Invitation to this earth. We’re not beckoning
ShowTime Welcome to the Great Horror Face

If you leave your mark, it’s over. That’s it. Don’t underestimate us!!

Oppressed a little by the alien. The two commanders are (seach)
Only ever running away With a spiritless face (discovery)
In the horrible Movie He’s only being drown The wounded commander (rock on)

Communication changing plans Can’t we be friends?
Identity. If you open your eyes, look it’s just a fake

I’ll fool you Until the next 13th Shall we put on black and white?

The alien is breaking a little. There is no way (seach)
The two commanders are only ever running away (discovery)
In the horrible Movie, they’re only playing. The commander who stopped time (rock on)

Shall I teach you something good? Next one more will appear from outer space!!

The black lead ran in circles Say farewell to the far space
Say Good Bye Again someday Find on this earth

I don’t hate that style After a thousand years you may fit in

The alien from the sky is too early. By the two commanders (seach)
He is seen off To the sky he came from (discovery)
In the horrible Movie he’s only joiking This star’s commander (rock on)
What’s approaching A dream of another dream The man from the sky

If - Mix Speaker's,Inc.


I feel as though I could walk again in the dream in which you were
Though right now it’s only a fragment Yes It shines quietly Search for tomorrow.

Told of the end before me In the cherry coloured place
So many times piled up I felt as though it was right by my side
I was afraid of stepping out In the cherry coloured place
So many times piled up If you were next to me

I wonder if my distant voice will someday reach you
Send my memories to the sky we looked up to

The heart I want to send is fragile I am flooded over and lost
To the last you who gave me your hand Still I’m praying for a miracle I want to be close

Spring came and you were gone Even still I won’t forget a thing
So don’t erase the true flower we saw that day
It will return you to your smile

My distant voice will someday certainly reach you deeply
So remember the sky we looked up to from here

I feel as though I could walk again in the dream in which you were
Though right now it’s only a fragment Yes It shines quietly
Let’s search for the light, for the dream that no one else has seen
If you want to see with me, the dream that no one else has seen
It shines, it shines. Believe in tomorrow

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

JUNK STORY - Mix Speaker's,Inc.


ohisama haroharo sukoshi mabushii sora
ohisama haroharo yake ochisou na boku

inemuri shiteru koumori ni baibai senaka no hane mo sorosoro kakusanakucha soko wa...

tsuta no tonneru kuguri nuketara yume ni made mita hyu-man rando
sugata wo kaete narisumasu dake sa kimi ni mo
rokujuu roku byou wakate ageru poketto no naka ni wa JUNK STORY
iki wo hisomete hora aitsu kara koroshichaou

yoru na yoru na haroharo mikka tsuki no odemashi
nayonayo haroharo kikai na adobaisu

ketaketa warau koumori ni baibai hane wo hirogete ima kara Bedtown ni ojama soshite...

entotsu no naka shinobi kondara taisetsu na ano ko saratte boku no chiisa na himitsu no ke-su ni narabete
rokujuu roku byou kazoete ageru kowagaranaide me wo tojite yoru ga mata aketemo owaranai komoriuta

mou sugu kimi wa umare kawaru toki wo shiranai Doll

itsumo to onaji kaidan wo kake nuke itsumo to chigau ano ko no te wo hiite

mite mite boku no atarashii GIRLFRIEND
sugu ni akitara mado kara hakaba ni poi sa itsu ka...

tsukai furushita garakuta no naka deguchi made samayotte choudai
ijiwaru na boku sukoshi dake mune ga itai yo
rokujuu roku byou mattete ageru yo poketto no naka ni wa JUNK STORY
yoru ga mata aketara wasurechau obakasan ja~ne~

*note* Bedtown = socchi

mirai no kimi he - Mix Speaker's,Inc.

mirai no kimi he

kokoro ni tsubasa wo kureta kimi ni aitakute
kokoro ni hikari wo kureta kimi ni aitakute

owaranai boku ga sagashi tsudsuketeta tonneru no mukou no kimi he

ima boku wa machi no hazure no oka de tsubasa wo yasumeteru yo
ima kimi wa doko de nani wo shiteru no? chigau sora no shita de
hanarete ite mo

ano hi taisetsu na kimochi wo oshiete kureta ne kimi no kotoba wa
ano hi ame no naka yakusoku shitan da mirai ni irodori soete futari de egaku koto

ima boku wa hoshi no mabataku yoru ni hane wo hirogeteru yo
ima kimi wa doko de nani wo shiteru no? chigau sora no shita de
hanarete ite mo

ima boku wa ai wo shiru sono tame ni hane wo ushinatta yo
ima kimi wa koko de nani wo omou no? onaji sora no shita de
hanarete ite mo wasurenai yo

itsumo kimi ga ite boku ga iru koto unmei yo kawaranai de
itsuka taisetsu na kimi no moto he to kisetsu ga michibiite kureru

kimi he taisetsu na kimochi wo tsutaeta hazu da yo boku no kotoba wa
kimi to yume no naka yakusoku shita you ni mirai wa irodori dashita

aruki dashita kono michi no saki wa sou itsu made mo futari de

約束の森 - Mix Speaker’s,Inc.









yakusoku no mori - Mix Speaker's,Inc.

yakusoku no mori

mimi wo sumaseba hoshitachi no shower
kikoetekuru no wa ano merodi-

oshieteyou nee tsurete itte flower
hibiki wataru owakare no uta to kisu wo shita
soshite kodou nakushita

hora kimi no matsu basu yofuke ni hitotsu akari wo tsukete yatte kuru yo
modorenai yakusoku no mori yuki no saishuu

kanashiku yasashiku tsutsumi komu kono te de kimi he to kanaderu o-kesutora
sayonara sayonara no hanataba kakomarenagara nemuru

okimari no Hat mune moto ni spider
kikoete kuru no wa ano merodi-

sero hiki no boku kimi wa utsumuku
kaerimichi no ashioto wa kaze ga saratteku
soshite kodou nakushita

hora kimi no iru basho chizu ni wa nakute nuke dasu koto nado dekinai yo
modorenai yakusoku no mori sore wa boku ga te no naka de tsukuri ageteta
fukaku tsudsuiteru rabirinsu
modorenai yakusoku no mori towa no kuuhaku

aoi monsuka- - Mix Speaker's,Inc.

aoi monsuka-

Ready Booon de sa monsuka- wa bubububububu-n
tuite kina yo monsuka- ni sa pararirapapa-pararirapapa-

kokuen ga tachi kometara me wo tojite akuseru fume!
No bure-ki (jisoku) nihyaku kiro de

ima kasoku shite tomerarenai kara My way
yakusoku suru yo kimi wo noseta mama de Don't stop

konya koso kakenukete miseru sa Highway

未来の君へ-Mix Speaker’s,Inc.








いつも君が居て僕が居る事 運命よ変わらないで
いつか大切な君の元へと 季節が導いてくれる

君へ大切な気持ちを伝えたはずだよ 僕の言葉は
君と夢の中約束した様に 未来は彩り出した

歩き出したこの道の先は そう いつまでも 二人で

青いモンスカー-Mix Speaker’s,Inc.


READY BOOONでさモンスカーはブブブブブブーン


今加速して止められないからMy way
約束するよ君を乗せたままでDon’t stop


Monday, February 18, 2008

akai makigami to neba-rando - Mix Speaker's,Inc.

Curly Red Hair and Neverland

Gazing, the same as always Softly softly feel the wind
Me, with curly red hair
Stood up the same as always Aimlessly disolved into night
Me, with curly red hair

I can't return outside the window "Come to me" and gave me his hand, dear Peter Pan

In the terribly destroyed town I search for your image
Not finding a single thing This body is burning
Shining in the spreading darkness The small light
Faded with the memory of sometime That Peter Pan

I will not forget Inside of time "Come to me" and Gave me his hand, the dear voice
I will not forget Inside of Time "Come to me" and Gave me his hand, dear Peter Pan

The sky I drew Memory without end
Have we come close again? This body burns
Seen in the spreading night The last light
Disappeared, unable to even say farewell That Peter Pan

Junk Story - Mix Speaker's,Inc. [Character Introduction and Night One]

Welcome to the world of Mix Speaker's,Inc.

Little Angel

Raised in the world of demons, Little Angel embraced his longing for the world of angels, and on Utautai Hill used magic to trade places with Little Devil. No longer able to live in the world of demons, Little Angel set off on a journey with Little Devil.

  As a subordinate employee at MSI, he puts his sweat and blood into his work.

Little Devil

Raised in the world of angels, Little Devil always lived feeing out of place in the world of his birth. Since he used magic to switch places with Little Angel, he swore to live as a demon.

Despite the fact that he is a subordinate at MSI, he spends all day thinking of mischief rather than working.

“What the hell is your problem?” is his favorite phrase.

Skeleton Witch

As the base of Star Town, she continues to culture and radiate bacillus. She sells detox medication to villagers at their wits end about the influx of incurably diseased persons, and makes a killing. She captured Moon Wolf inside of the moon when he repeatedly committed violence in the neighboring village, and she took a considerable amount of money as a reward from the village office.

At MSI she serves as the boss’s secretary.

Digi Vampire

Using an ancient castle, Blood Castle, as his base, he goes into a deep sleep. Supplied with nourishment by numerous cables, after sleeping at the longest 26 hours he complains “Uwah. I’ve only slept two hours. Grumble grumble.”

He looks reserved and cool, but in reality he’s sleeping with his eyes open. 

He’s the chief of MSI’s internal planning department.  

Big Franken

With no memory of the past, he was picked up by Little Devil while wandering around the Ocean of Death. Whenever he leaves MSI he destroys the door and gets a bold hammered in by Little Devil. He serves as Little Devil’s SP, but he doesn’t notice Little Devil under his feet and gets a bold hammered in. Regardless, he is in charge of management.

Moon Wolf

He settled in Four Sickle Village and ate villagers at random, but he was broken in a fight to the death with Skeleton Witch and shut in the moon. At MSI he does various chores and takes bullying every day. And feels aroused by that. He’s a true masochist.

White Warlock

  He is enrolled at the Star Town School of Magic which Skeleton Witch founded. He is a hard worker. He is particularly proficient in white magic, however by joining power with Black Warlock they are able to use summoning magic.

Black Warlock

He is enrolled along with White Warlock at Star Town School of Magic. He is an expert black warlock, but he no longer goes to school.

He seems to be the only one to know Skeleton Witch’s secret.

Fire Kyoncie

From Shisensho. Hit man. Uses the Drunken Fist (under 5% alcohol). Can also breathe fire. She regulates the temperature of the fire using the spiciness from her favorite food Mabo Tofu.

Water Ogre

From Ogre Island. Broke the window glass of his school with a nail bat and became the historical dropout of Swan Elementary School. He is currently a hot-rodder and serves as the president of the Ogres, but is proud of having a suspended license for switching lanes. Since the island is surrounded on all four sides by ocean he loves swimming.

Wood Zombie

A broadleaf tree that has sustained Canada’s earth for over ten thousand years and is half rotted. The discharge fluids are all maple syrup. Bugs, small birds, and children gather. It is extraordinarily sweet.

Wind Mummy

From Egypt. As the Sphynx’s pet he blows wind from a small bag from morning until evening and collects gold dust. Like Alibaba he seems to be attended by 40 men, but it is all a delusion. He is obsessed with money.


-Past the shining Utautai Hill, across the rotting Ocean of Death, Little Angel, Little Devil, and Big Franken continued their journey.-

When the sun began to set, the three looked tired, and Little Devil complained.

“Isn’t this enough walking for today? I’m starving. Let’s get food.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s find a house that looks like they will let us stay for the evening.”


This way the group set foot into the Forest of a Hundred Mouths.

“What might you be looking for this late in the day?”

“Don’t go there.”

“You’d better turn back.”

“The travelers the other day headed west.”

“Chased or being chased, whichever way you turn you’re next.”

Ignoring the volley of talking trees they continued walking and soon saw a building leaking a faint light.

“Oh! Isn’t that a house? Smells good too.”

The three hurried toward the light.

As they came closer the building’s true shape became clearer and, as if to turn away visitors, countless doors had hammered signs with “Mix Speaker’s,Inc.” hung that were so badly damaged they looked about to fall. They walked once the whole way around the building, but the doors were dummies, and there was no entrance.

“Shit. What’s up with this house!”

“Excuse me. Is anyone there?”

There was no response, and, at a loss, the three neared the engraved wall.

That instant-. The wall opened its mouth wide, and the three tumbled inside.

In the decaying interior, there was a creak with every movement, and the fireplace burned several logs with a dull light. He could not see the dweller’s face clearly, but Little Devil certainly smelled the scent of a magical creature.

“I’m sorry, but could we take lodging here for one night?”

Little Angel’s question went unanswered, and they heard the sound of busy feet moving about and something ticking in rotation.

“What the hell is your problem!” Little Devil stood suddenly.

Not appearing at all surprised, the figure of a woman set the ticking nine squares connecting to a hexahedron on the desk, and spoke while slowly standing.

“It’s finally complete.”

Sunday, February 17, 2008

We are HA-CHA-ME-CHA'Z - Mix Speaker's,Inc.


Ah~ iwazu to shireta bokura no bosu
Ah~ fuzaketeru kao shiteiru kedo
mukashi wa waru datta

Ah~ kyou mo nani yara sawagashikute
Ah~ tobi mawatteru hato to karasu
shirei wo kuwaeteru

chika nikai no shi-kuretto ru-mu bokura wo yasashiku mimamotteru

konya wa doko de konya wa doko de
hirogaru sekai ★ "dotabata"
konya wa doko de konya wa doko de
majo no ano ko mo ★ "dokidoki"
We are yukai tsuukai yakkai sekai

DoDo to PaPa
"shain no minna~ gambatteru!?"

DoDo to PaPa
"omaera chanto hatarake yo!!"
shirei wo kudasashiteru

chika nikai no shi-kuretto ru-mu bokura wo yasashiku mimamotteru

konya wa doko de konya wa doko de
hirogaru sekai ★ "furafura"
konya wa doko de konya wa doko de
oni no aitsu mo ★ "giragira"
We are yukai tsuukai yakkai sekai

konya wa doko de konya wa doko de
hirogaru sekai wa ★ "kirakira"
konya wa doko de konya wa doko de
tsuki no ookami ★ "garugaru"
konya wa doko de konya wa doko de
hirogaru sekai ★ fuwafuwa
konya wa doko de konya wa doko de
midori no zombi ★ "botabota"
We are yukai tsuukai yakkai sekai

★Bangya Ghost Chorus

*shi-kuretto ru-mu = himitsu no heya

GO!GO!Bremen - Mix Speaker's,Inc.


mezashiteta sore wa tooku ima mo niji no mukou wa kagayaite
tsunagu oto wa itsuka fukaku soshite omoi wo nosete kanata he to
soko ni mieta machi wa kitto kyou mo iro toridori ni hanayaide
meguru oto wa hitotsu hitotsu yagate tabiji ni hana wo sakaseteta
yumiakeshie ongakutai
Let's GO!GO!GO!Bremen!!!

Innocent World - Mix Speaker's,Inc.

Innocent World

My name is kuroi tabibito sa satan yori ooki na pisutoru de
arasoi no hikigane ni te wo
tokihatare jiyuu te ni ireta yami ni hisomu HEART LESS tachi ga
arasoi no hikigane wo hiku

hirogaru sekai wa futatsu ni sugata wo kaeteku
kizutsuke ai sonzai no imi shiru
subete wo ushinai kai ni naru sono hi ga kuru made
kono kotoba ienai

Ah umare kawari raise de kitto onaji sora miyou yo
sonna toki wa sukoshi wakaru you ni tsutaetain da yo
bokura mo onaji sa hate naki sekai wa kitto Innocent World

inazuma yori hikaru mezashi to Peace yori ooki na pisutoru de
arasoi no hikigane ga mata

hirogaru sekai wa futatsu ni sugata wo kaeteku
kizutsuke ai sonzai no imi shiru
subete wo ushinai kai ni naru sono hi ga kuru made
kono kotoba ienai

Ah ashita niji ga mieru koro wa kono omoi todoku kana
kioku no naka wasure kaketa koto wo omoi dasun da yo
bokura mo onaji sa chiisa na sekai no bokura mo tabibito

nakushita hikari ga kokoro ni ai wo sashi konde
yuganda rekishi wa shinjitsu wo shiru
kurikaeshite mitsuke dashita ikusen no toki ni
yakusoku wo shiyou yo
itsuka wa

Ah umare kawari raise de kitto onaji sora miyou yo
sonna toki wa sukoshi wakaru you ni tsutaetain da yo
bokura mo onaji sa hate naki sekai wa kitto Innocent World

Monster Start Instrumental ~Family ver.~ - Mix Speaker's, Inc.

Monster Start Instrumental ~Family ver.~

habataku sora wa honou ni tsutsumareta
yoru no fushichou ga tokiori miseru yasashii akai me wa mami- no shirushi sa
yatsu ga kita yatsu ga kita

umare nagara ni machi awaseta no wa boku to kimi to kimi
kyu-to na kao ni niawazu kiba wo muku kai nushi ni sae mo
yatsu ga kita yatsu ga kita

fukai naraku no tsumetai mizu no soko ao ni tsutsumarete
azawarau no wa kono yo no dourakusha fuzaketa dadi- sa
yatsu ga kita yatsu ga kita

tenohira no ue sekai wo umi otoshi subete wo omou ga
zenchizennou no kami mo jaakusa ni sukoshi kuwareteru
yatsu ga kita yatsu ga kita

mata itsumo no onpu wo hajimeyou junbi wa ii kai?
kono akari ga kietara hajimeyou MSI wo

We are HA-CHA-ME-CHA’Z - Mix Speaker’s,Inc.





We are愉快痛快厄介世界




We are愉快痛快厄介世界

We are愉快痛快厄介世界


GO!GO!Bremen - Mix Speaker’s,Inc.


Let’s GO!GO!GO!Bremen!!!

Innocent World - Mix Speaker’s,Inc.

Innocent World

My name is黒い旅人さサタンより大きなピストルで
解き放たれ自由手に入れた 闇に潜むHEART LESS達が

全てを失い灰になる その日が来るまで

そんな時は少し分かる様に 伝えたいんだよ
僕らも同じさ 果てなき世界はきっとInnocent World


全てを失い灰になる その日が来るまで

Ah明日虹が見える頃は この思い届くかな
記憶の中 忘れかけた事を 思い出すんだよ
僕らも同じさ 小さな世界の 僕らも旅人


そんな時は少し分かる様に 伝えたいんだよ
僕らも同じさ 果てなき世界はきっとInnocent World

Monster Start Instrumental ~Family ver.~ - Mix Speaker’s,Inc.

Monster Start Instrumental ~Family ver.~

ヤツが来た ヤツが来た

ヤツが来た ヤツが来た

深い奈落の冷たい水の底 青に包まれて
ヤツが来た ヤツが来た

ヤツが来た ヤツが来た
